Monday, November 4, 2013

All About Abs!!

I think a lot of women who get pregnant see that positive sign and immediately stop all exercise in fear that they will hurt their baby. The first type of exercise they stop is usually abs. Well ladies I have great news for you; keeping your abs and core in shape is one of the most important things you can do for your body while you are pregnant! Having a toned tummy and core will help your body support the weight of your baby and relieve pressure from your back and pelvis as well. Now, obviously as your belly grows you will have to alter your ab workouts. I am just now starting to get a small bump so I haven't had to change my routine too much, but as I get bigger I will be sharing new exercises to accommodate my larger stomach. Here are a few of my favorite ab exercises. I recommend doing 3 sets of 15-20 of each exercise.

Ball Sit-Ups:
These are great for people with lower back issues and women who are in their second and third trimester of pregnancy. My OB advised me to avoid ab exercises that require me to lay flat on my back after 14 weeks so I altered my normal sit-ups to ball sit-ups.

Start with your lower back stabilized on the ball, feet planted firmly on the ground and knees at a 90 degree table top position. Tighten your stomach and bring your shoulders off the ball then return to starting position.

The plank is one of my favorite ab exercises! It works your entire core and there are SO many various plank positions for people who like a challenge.

In the top picture I have my knees on the ground to show you the modified version; the bottom picture shows the regular version. Notice in both versions my back is flat and my arms and shoulders are in a straight line. Once in the proper position, tighten your entire core and hold. I like to hold my plank for a minimum of 1 minute. If you are new to this exercise start slowly. Try holding for 20 seconds and work your way up.

If you like a challenge try one of many plank versions. In the version pictured below I lift my opposite leg and arm. This challenges your core and balance.

Cherry Picker or Russian Twist:
This exercise focuses on the obliques. I have posted two pictures here. For those of you that want a challenge you can hold a 5 or 10 lb weight while you twist.

Position yourself balanced on your tailbone. With your feet in the air, or on the floor if you need the modified version,  twist your torso to the left and then the right. Keep your lower body squared. If you allow your hips to move with your torso you will not get the full benefit of the exercise.

These are another favorite of mine; they work the entire stomach. I have shown the regular version  and the modified version for when you belly starts to get bigger.

For the modified version place your hands behind your butt and legs extended in front at a 45 degree angle. Bring your knees into your chest and extended back out.

For the regular version you will do the same thing but your hands will remain in front of you and you will extend your entire body. But, keep your shoulders off the ground at all times.

Excuse Chance for sneaking into these pictures hehehe.

Hope you started out your Monday the right way, Motivated and Moving!!

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