Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Baby's First Race

This past Saturday, Josh and, I along with some of our closest friends, participated in the Savage Run 2013! It was a 6.3 mile run with 25 obstacles along the way. We climbed up walls, barreled through hay, trudged through mud, scurried across monkey bars, jumped over fire, and had a BLAST!

I know what you’re thinking, “crazy pregnant lady!” Don’t worry; I skipped the tazors, the ice bath, and the 30 foot slide. I made sure everything I did was safe for me and our baby! Yet, I have to admit; I felt like a badass being 13 weeks pregnant and doing a race like this. Baby and I kicked butt!!

This is a great time of year to get outside and participate in a local race. The air is crisp, the leaves are changing, and the fresh air feels wonderful! So get out there and find a local 5K or 10K in your area.  You can walk or run, go at your own pace, have fun, you’ll feel accomplished.

Nice and clean before the race

Dominating the hay stacks! (left to right: Me, Josh, April, Toby)

Me and my sister-in-law April

We had a post-race party at my friend Beth’s house to celebrate our hard work! Good food, football, and fun! Since it’s officially fall I decided to make one of my favorite fall Pinterest recipes: Fall Pumpkin Dip. It’s super easy to make and a great light weight, healthy dessert or snack!


1-      15oz can of pureed pumpkin  
      16 oz of fat free or low fat cool whip

1-      5oz box of sugar free, fat free vanilla instant pudding ( use as powder- do not prepare as instructed on box)

½  TBSP of both cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice

        Mix all ingredients together thoroughly and let chill in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

I served it with sliced apples and low fat vanilla wafers, but it pairs well with ginger snaps or graham crackers as well.

I also made myself a nice, celebratory, VIRGIN, cocktail. Everyone was enjoying their favorite beer or wine, so I figured I deserved something fun and delicious, as well! So, I whipped up a lower calorie virgin piƱa colada from scratch. I only used three ingredients and it was SOOOO good! I don’t think I’ll ever buy the pre-made junk again!

Ingredients:  (makes about 4 glasses)

1-      8 oz can of cream of coconut (I let this chill the refrigerator so the coconut and oil separate. This cuts back on the fat- if you choose not to do this don’t stress; coconut oil is healthy fat)

1         container of Naked pure coconut water                                                                                                                                  

1         cup of fresh pineapple

Combine all ingredients in a blender with Ice. Sip, share, and enjoy!


                           GET MOVING, GET MOTIVATED, AND HAPPY HUMP DAY!

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