Friday, October 18, 2013

Circuit Time!!

After eating all of that wonderful food last weekend at my sister's it was time for us to get a good workout in! There is a small gym in her complex but it only houses cardio machines so we had to get a little creative and use what she had. All it took was a set of 10 lb. dumbbells, a medicine ball, and a set of either 5 lb. or 3 lb. dumbbells; we had all we needed for a great circuit workout!

Circuit workouts are great to do when you are limited on time. It is a fast paced, constant workout routine that keeps your heart rate up and maximizes the volume of work done in a short period of time. I like to do circuit workouts on days when I really just want to go home and rest because I don't have to spend hours in the gym and I still feel great after it's done!

We did 3 sets of  a 6 station circuit that focused on our shoulders and back. We set a timer and did 1 minute of exercise and 20 seconds of rest between each station. It's always good to start with a 5-10 minute walk or jog warm up to heat up your muscles and get you heart rate going.

Station #1 : Jab/ Cross with dumbbells
This exercise targets your shoulders and upper arms. Stand in a boxer stance with your feet parallel, about shoulder width apart, and at a 45 degree angle, toes pointing out. Start with the arm of the leg that is it front. Jab (punch) with the front arm, then cross (punch) with the back arm. When you punch with your back arm your back foot should spin to face forward and then return to stance when punch is complete. At this station switch your stance to move the opposite leg in front after 30 seconds. These pictures are not the best but may give you an idea of what it should look like.

Stance- This is your starting stance and the stance you will return to between each jab/cross. Notice the angle of the feet.
Jab- Arm extends out quickly and returns to stance quickly

Cross- Back arm comes fully extended forward- notice my back foot starting to turn as my arm extends.

Station #2 : Push- Up with medicine ball
This exercise targets your shoulders and back but also requires a lot of core strength! Push-ups are one of my favorite exercises so I like to challenge myself on this exercise. Get in proper push-up position  and place one hand on the medicine and the other hand on the floor ( I use a 4 pound medicine ball). Remember a proper push-up position means your shoulders are directly over your hands and your body is in a straight line; no buns in the air or bellies hanging down. Do and push-up with one hand on the ball, then roll ball over to other and do another push-up. Continue switching hands for the full 1 minute.
*** If this is too hard you can do a modified version with your knees on the floor.
Notice how my shoulders are over my hand and my body stays in a straight line.
Switch and repeat with other hand on the ball.

Station # 3: Mountain Climbers
 You want to keep your heart rate up while working out so make sure to add some cardio into your circuit! Mountain climbers get your heart rate up and also workout your core and upper body at the same time! Start in a regular push-up position. Bring your right knee to you chest, then switch and bring the left knee to your chest. Repeat this motion as fast as you can for the entire minute. It's almost like running in place while in a push-up position.

 Station # 4: Dumbbell Press
Dumbbell presses work your shoulders. We used 10 pounds in each hand, but you use what's comfortable for you. To start stand with feet shoulder width apart. Raise the dumbbells to head height so that arms are at a 90 degree angle (like a field goal). Push dumbbells over head until arms are straight then return to head height. Repeat for the full minute.
Station # 5:  Front Raise
This is another exercise that focuses on the shoulders and uses your dumbbells. For this exercise you simply stand with your feet shoulder width apart and a dumbbell in each hand. Raise one arm until it is in line with your shoulder, lower and repeat with the other arm. You can do one arm at a time or both at the same time. Repeat for one minute.


 Station # 6: Bent over Rear Deltoid Raises:
This exercise and can be done sitting on a bench or standing up while slightly bent forward at the hips. It works both your shoulders and upper back. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, and feet shoulder width apart, bend slightly forward at the hips but keep your chest up. Bend your arms slightly and start with both hands in front of you, dumbbells facing each other. Simultaneously bring both arms up and back horizontally. It should feel like you are trying to squeeze your shoulders together. Return to start position with hands in front and repeat.
Finish your workout with a 10 minute cool down/stretch!!

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