Tuesday, December 3, 2013

2 Babies are better than 1 !!!

I have been patiently waiting to share some VERY exciting news with the world! I posted a while back about my fall trip to visit my best friend, AKA my sister Alicia, at her new place in Arlington, Virginia. Well, what I didn't post is that when I got there she had a very sweet little gift waiting for me.

In case you didn't catch on as quickly as I did, let me break it down for you.... I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT!!!!
That's right, not only am I going to be a mom, but two months after delivering my own little mini-me, my sister will be delivering my little niece or nephew!!! Baby Haygood is due June 8, 2014!!

It has been SO amazing to go through such an exciting time with my sister. We talk nearly every day about all of our wonderful pregnancy symptoms, our Dr appointments, milestone, etc. And best of all, we both have someone to bitch to who understands what the other is going through!! It has really made this time in my life so much more special.

I have to take some time to do a little bragging about my big sis as well. This past Saturday she ran her first 5K ever and at 13 weeks pregnant no less! She kicked ass!!!
Left to right: Gale (Alicia's mother-in-law) Alicia, Corey (her husband and baby daddy hehe )
She's done a great job at maintaining a healthy workout routine during her pregnancy. Still not convinced it's all that important? Read this article and see if your views change!

And while you're at it check out some low intensity pregnancy moves you can do at home using your balance ball! This lady has several other videos as well; check them all out! Balance balls are great for core training because no matter what muscle you are working you are always working your core with it to maintain your balance.

Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving!! And a very Happy Chanukah to all who celebrate!

Chance LOVES to open presents! He loves his Chanukah penguin.

We were so full after Thanksgiving day, so I made a light lunch of matzo ball soup and potato latkes for lunch on Friday.
There's that bump! My sister-in-law is very excited about her little niece!

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