Friday, January 10, 2014

Something is Better than Nothing

These last couple weeks have a had me a little down, as my every day activities become more challenging. I get slightly distraught when I drop things on the ground, because I know picking them up is going to be bear, and putting on my socks and shoes has become quite a spectacle to watch. My family, Josh and I spent hours painting our living room and the nursery (which was a fiasco in itself) this past weekend, and by the end of the day I felt like I needed a full back and hip replacement. I can handle asking for help putting on my shoes when the time comes, and I have no problem asking people to pick things up when I drop them; my biggest struggle at the moment is having to slow down at the gym. As my stomach grows and baby Jordan gets bigger, my ability to do certain exercises decreases. The main problem I am running into is having to use my core for EVERYTHING! As an educated fitness fanatic, I am very aware that you use your core muscles in most exercises that you do (if you are doing them properly). However, I haven't FELT how much I use them until now. Certain exercises that cause me to flex my core muscles cause my stomach to form this alien like shape which then pisses off baby Jordan, thus leading to major discomfort for mamma. The gym has been packed this past week with  New Year resolution folks trying to get their butts in gear, and as I watch everyone around me push themselves until they nearly fall over I want to scream with envy because I want to be able to push myself that hard, but I simply can't. The trainer at the gym has been great about working with me when he sees me there. He monitors  my postures, gives me suggestions of other exercises that are less stressful, and lets me know when I am lifting too much weight. I'm not giving up, but I am trying to be more conscience of my body and baby Jordan when they tell me that enough is enough. In a few short months she will be here and I will able to hit the gym hard again to get my body back.

For all my fellow pregnant mamas who belong to a gym (and  you postpartum women that are just getting back in your groove), I highly recommend using the resources you have available!

*Don't be afraid to ask a gym employee about alternate exercises, they are there to help.

*If it ever feels like something just isn't right when you are doing an exercise then it probably isn't.

*Decrease your weights if  the amount you are doing is causing too much stress on your body.

* Don't forget about yoga!!! Yoga is a great way to strengthen your muscles without putting so much stress on the body.

* And remember...SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING!! * If you are struggling to get to the gym one day for a full workout, opt for a brisk 30 minute walk instead.

I want to leave you with two things today that are sure to put a smile on you face.
The first is my drop-dead gorgeous son showing off his amazing skills. Our friend Lee saw a photo on Facebook of a dog balancing several treats on his nose and in his mouth, and challenged us to teach Chance to do the same. I think it took Josh all of 30 seconds to place the treats in his mouth and on his nose; Chance followed instructions perfectly on the first try.

We took a picture and sent it to Lee who then made a cute little advertisement out of it. This is my new logo for my patients who tell me they just can't lose weight.

I also want to leave you with a very humorous article my sister's best friend sent to us. It's a blogger who wrote a letter to her pregnant, childless self. A MUST read to start your weekend off right!


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