Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Day Workout

I'm sure all of you fellow Georgia followers are snowed in for the third day in a row. By  now you have probably caught up on all of  your recorded tv shows, played every game in your house at least once, had a few cocktails (all my non-pregnant followers that is) and eaten your weight in food. STOP. Get up, shake your legs out, and get your blood flowing! You've had all week to be lazy, and most likely all day tomorrow. Put on your heavy boots and take a stroll through the snow, let your dog run around and play, and then try these simple exercises that can be done in the warmth of your own home.

You'll need:
Resistance bands or dumbbells
Sliders ( or 2 wash clothes and a hard surface)
Medicine ball
Ankle weights

Bicep Curls with resistance bands: Keep your elbows slightly forward and close to your body to isolate your biceps. If you don't have resistance bands, you can use dumbbells. 

Tricep Push-ups: I am demonstrating on the "Perfect Push-up", it makes it a little more difficult, but you do NOT have to have these! The key to the tricep push-up is keeping your elbows in rather than letting them bow out like in a normal push-up. Keeping your elbows in and back flat, lower your chest to the ground and push back up.

My stomach touches the ground before my chest now-a-day

Squats with medicine ball toss: With feet shoulder width apart, chest up, and butt out, squat with the medicine ball at your chest. As you start to rise from your squat, throw the medicine ball in the air, and as you catch it, start to squat down again.

Tricep kick back with resistance band: This exercise can also be done with dumbbells. Place the resistance band around the back of your neck and grab each end. Keep your elbows close to your body and kick your hands back, keeping your wrists straight.

Side kicks with ankle weights: This exercise can be done without ankle weights, however, they add good resistance. Position yourself in a table top position on all fours. Bend one leg and bring it out to the side at a 90 degree angle. Slowly extend your leg out straight and then return to the bent position. Repeat 10-12x on each leg.

Mountain climbers on sliders: Sliders are one of my FAVORITE pieces of exercise equipment. They are great for working both your core and your legs. If you don't have sliders you can use a wash cloth under each foot on a hardwood floor. Position yourself in a push up position with feet on the sliders. Slide one foot up towards your chest and then quickly switch legs. Move as fast as  you can while keeping your core tight. This will work your core, legs, and get your heart rate up.
Climb for 30 seconds.

Side plank with hips raises: Lay on your side with your elbow on the ground and one foot on top of the other. Balance yourself in a side plank and lower your hip to the ground. Lightly touch your hip, return to the side plank and repeat 10-12x on each side.

Try to complete 3 sets of 10-12 reps of each exercise.
Get your blood flowing on this cold day!

Chance says happy Thursday!!!

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